
The World’s most Famous Piano Teachers

Teaching piano is often overlooked when people talk about famous teachers, and yet there is a history of people teaching piano and showing people how to play with great success. Some piano teaches have been able to train people as famous classical players, composers and even conductors. Known as the art of Piano pedagogy, these…

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Best Piano Classes Orange County

Dr. Doris Chiang offers the best piano classes in Orange County for students of all ages. It doesn’t matter what your level of experience is as she can teach anyone, from beginners to advanced students. Dr. Chiang provides her students the kind of attention that they need to help them develop a strong foundation in…

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Piano Teacher Near Huntington Beach

Are you looking for a piano teacher near Huntington Beach? You’re in luck as Dr. Doris Chiang offers piano lessons for residents in this area. Piano is a songwriter’s best friend. It’s also an excellent first musical instrument. With Dr. Chiang, you can play all 88 keys or fewer than that if you like keyboard….

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Online Piano Classes Via Skype

Dr. Doris Chiang’s Online Piano Lessons via Skype Have you been considering finding a well-educated and experienced piano teacher for your child but are worried that your busy schedule won’t allow you’re the time to take your child to and from his or her lessons? The Skype lessons provided by Dr. Doris Chiang’s Piano Studio…

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Looking for an Orange County Piano Teacher?

With over 23 years of experience teaching piano, Dr. Chiang has perfected a number of teaching methods that can accommodate students of all ages and at different levels of piano expertise. Whether you intend to sign up for piano lessons with no previous experience, or already have experience and are looking for a teacher to…

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