Doris Chiang Music Events 2016

There is something about seeing a piano recital or a real virtuoso playing the piano that can be completely mesmerizing for you. You are able to hear classical pieces that you may or may not be familiar with performed in a way that can truly take your breath away. If you really enjoy listening to…

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You’re Never Too Old for Piano Lessons

You’re Never Too Old for Piano Lessons

Have you always had a great love for the piano? Perhaps you love piano music of all types and have always dreamed of learning to play for yourself. As much as you may have wanted to learn from the time you were a child, maybe life got in the way and with school, work, family,…

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The World’s most Famous Piano Teachers

Teaching piano is often overlooked when people talk about famous teachers, and yet there is a history of people teaching piano and showing people how to play with great success. Some piano teaches have been able to train people as famous classical players, composers and even conductors. Known as the art of Piano pedagogy, these…

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Piano Teacher Near Huntington Beach

Are you looking for a piano teacher near Huntington Beach? You’re in luck as Dr. Doris Chiang offers piano lessons for residents in this area. Piano is a songwriter’s best friend. It’s also an excellent first musical instrument. With Dr. Chiang, you can play all 88 keys or fewer than that if you like keyboard….

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